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7 ideas to find calma during a quarantine - emme

7 ideas to find calma during a quarantine

In the past few weeks, my daily routine has been dramatically altered. A harmful virus that is spread by human contact has forced us to quarantine in our homes. And although my routine is to be an entrepreneur from my home, now I am a mom and an entrepreneur at the same time. A perfect combination to lose my cool more than once a day.

In search of la CALMA!

After a week of feeling exhausted from filling multiple roles at once, I decided to create a new routine. In addition to including my activities, the children's activities, and any other pending issue, I decided to add time to find calm. These 7 ideas have helped me find it these days:

1. Purpose. Start my day with a goal of what I want to achieve, rather than a strict schedule. This has given me the possibility to adapt to a new routine where I do not have everything under control and still do it calmly.

2. Silence. Sit quietly to meditate, pray, or just visualize. In silence, I manage to collect myself, my feelings, and my ideas, and I manage to feel at peace.

3. Exercise. This works for me in quarantine and also for my life outside of it. Moving intentionally daily for 30 minutes relaxes my body and even my mind.

4. Reading. Reading has always been a haven of calm for me. As I read, I disconnect from what is happening in the outside world. This is an ideal distraction for uncertain times.

5. Calls. Unable to leave home, making calls have become an emotional connection. If you are calling with the camera on and you can see each other's faces, much better.

6. Happy hour. If calls already calm me down, group calls have been the most relaxing activity during this quarantine. These days, I've connected with Mom groups, reconnected with old friends, and had double date-nights with my husband and other couples.

7. Dance. If none of the above options work, the quickest opportunity to find calm is to invite my daughter to dance. Turning up the music and moving together is a pill of extreme happiness and serenity.

One day at a time

In times of quarantine, where the days may seem the same, I must be intentional about my actions. Knowing what activities make me calm, allows me to be the best mom I can be for my children. These 7 different activities have made me find peace in these moments of uncertainty. I hope that some of these ideas also bring calm to your home.

See you soon,
