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Starting 2020 with an Intention, my best advice for you - emme

Starting 2020 with an Intention, my best advice for you

It was the end of the year 1999, and on a small piece of paper, I wrote three words: "to find love." It had been more than two years since my last outing with my high school boyfriend. The men I had met at the university had a complicated character or only boring conversations. I felt alone and wanted a change. Without having much conscience, I wrote what I wanted and needed in the piece of paper, and without knowing it, I connected for the first time with an Intention.

Twenty years later, I continue to learn and exercise the power of Intention. Every year I keep writing three words on paper. Depending on the year, my three words may be related to a feeling or an objective that I want to achieve. Words can form a phrase or be just loose ideas, I have not followed a fixed structure. What is a constant, is taking the time to reflect, write, and finally connect with the energy of living focused on an Intention.

Where attention goes, energy flows

In recent years I have accompanied my Intention ritual with the creation of a visual board. With a group of friends, I meet every January to create this powerful tool. Since 2018, I have created a map with the three words of Intention and a visualization of how I want to feel when I achieve what I intent. For my benefit since then, the scope of what I visualize has been maximized. It is really very powerful when I translate into images what I want to achieve in my year.

By living with a clear Intention of what I want to achieve, with each action, I become more powerful. As mom, as entrepreneur and as professional, if I act in connection with my Intention, I am assured success. For 2020, the three words in my Intention are Mindfulness, Connection, and Action. This year I commit myself to live the present and to the fullest every moment with my family. I will connect all my talents and interests in the development of my business, and I will do more of what makes me happy.

Intention in action

I’m sure that 2020 will be an exceptional year. Not only because I wish it, but because I have a lot to celebrate. Do you remember the paper I wrote at the end of 1999 asking to find love? Well, just a month after writing it, I met someone exceptional. A year later, we started dating, and five years later, we got married and formed a family. In a few days, we'll celebrate our 15th Anniversary, proving once again that when I connect with an Intention, I end up creating a life beyond my dreams.

What about you? Do you set Intentions for your year?

Let me know in the comments!
